You may not know how to pronounce it, but chances are you’ve felt “hygge” before. Explaining what it means is tricky, since there’s no direct translation for the Danish word. It loosely translates to “coziness” or “comfort” – think of that feeling you get from snuggling under the blanket with a cup of cocoa or a glass of scotch on a cold day. Hygge is more than just an excuse to hibernate or redecorate – it’s a way to feel happier during otherwise dark and cold months. Here are some easy ways to bring a little hygge into your home.

Incorporate Natural Elements

Creating that cozy vibe doesn’t need to be expensive – it also doesn’t require a furniture shopping spree! Sometimes all it takes is incorporating aspects of nature around your home.

Try including plants to open and liven a room. Can’t keep plants alive? Add natural materials like leather, stone, and wood to your space.

Play Around with Texture

It’s true what they say: you can never have enough blankets and pillows! It’s amazing how much a well-placed throw blanket or fluffy pillow can add to the look and feel of your home.

Texture is an important part of hygge, because it’s a psychological component to the sense of touch. Seeing the texture of a knitted blanket can make you feel that sense of coziness, even from across the room! 

Embrace Books

When you picture a cozy night in, chances are the image of snuggling up in a blanket with a good book comes to mind. So why not fill a shelf with some of your favourites?

We can all agree that books have a special way of making a space feel more welcoming and lived in – this simple addition is very hygge.